The Bhūmisparśa "Earth-touching" Mudrā literally represents the Buddha as taking the earth as witness. It represents the moment when Buddha took the earth as testimony when he had resolved the problem of cessation of suffering while he was under the peepal tree at Bodh-Gaya. Usually represented by the historical Buddha in the lotus position. The right hand touches the ground with the fingertips near the right knee extended or with only the index pointing down touching the ground with the left hand commonly resting on the lap with the palm facing up
The Dharmachakra Mudrā represents a central moment in the life of Buddha when he preached his first sermon after his Enlightenment, in Deer Park in Sarnath. Gautam Buddha is generally only shown making this Mudrā, save Maitrey as the dispenser of the Law. This Mudrā position represents the turning of the wheel of the Dharma. Dharmacakra Mudrā is formed when two hands close together in front of the chest in Vitarka having the right palm forward and the left palm upward, sometimes facing the chest. There are several variants such as in the frescoes of Ajanta, India the two hands are separated, and the fingers do not touch. In the Indo-Greek style of Gandhāra the clenched fist of the right hand seemingly overlie the fingers joined to the thumb on the left hand. In pictorials of Horyu-ji in Japan the right hand is superimposed on the left.
The Dhyāna Mudrā is the gesture of meditation, of the concentration of the Good Law and the Sangha. The two hands are placed on the lap, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched and the palms facing upwards, forming a triangle, symbolic of the spiritual fire or the Triratna, the three jewels
The Varada Mudrā signifies offering, welcome, charity, giving, compassion and sincerity. It is nearly always used with the left hand for those whom devote oneself to human salvation. It can be made with the arm crooked the palm offered slightly turned up or in the case of the arm facing down the palm presented with the fingers upright or slightly bent. The Varada Mudrā is rarely seen without using another mudra used by the right hand, typically with the Abhaya Mudrā
There are said to be 4 main paths (Margas), according to the Bhagavad Gita, by which to reach the ultimate goal of Yoga - "Kaivalya." There is the path of Knowledge (Jnana Marga) in which one learns to discriminate between what is real and what is illusory, the path of selfless work (Karma marga), the path of devotion (Bhakti Marga) and the path of control of the mind (Yoga Marga) where all the activities of the mind and consciousness are studied and brought under control. From these have come the various paths of yoga which can be followed
In this section of Yoga types, different Yoga styles and Yoga paths have been discussed. The prominent Yoga types or Yoga styles are Bhakti Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Purna Yoga and Raja Yoga. Though all the above Yoga styles are popular among the Yoga followers but the Kundalini Yoga type is most sought after in the west. It is interesting to note that different Yoga types have their unique virtues. Some Yoga styles are useful for physical strength whereas some are useful for increasing mental prowess. Bhakti Yoga emphasizes love and devotion whereas Hatha Yoga is an easy Yoga style and most popular in the US. Jnana Yoga highlights the use of the mind to surpass the mind i.e. to discern the mind. Karma Yoga lays emphasis on selfless action and service. Kundalini Yoga uses sexual experience as a means to enlightenment and knowledge. In the Mantra Yoga meditation one has to chant a word or a phrase until he/she transcends mind and emotions. Purna Yoga lays more emphasis on the importance of Karma in day today life. Raja Yoga provides solution for complete and holistic healing.
Hatha Yoga is an important Yoga type. Hatha Yoga is an easy form of Yoga and is very popular in the United States and other western countries. Hatha Yoga is said to be the basis of all Yoga systems. The word Hatha is made of two words, "Ha" and "Tha", Ha means "sun" and "Tha" means "moon." Thus, Hatha Yoga refers to positive (sun) and to negative (moon) currents in the system. The most suitable way to practice Hatha Yoga is to begin with a calm and meditative bent of mind. Sit quietly for a few moments and relax. Thereafter you can begin with the Hatha Yoga practice, slowly, with control and grace. While doing the asanas you must remember that you do not overstretch beyond a limit. Remember this is not a competition. Hatha yoga is a complete fitness program and will release endorphins in the brain as well as any regular exercise program. Hatha yoga is the physical part of Yoga practice. Hatha yoga lays emphasis on asanas, pranayama and dhyana (meditation). Another important facet of Yoga is that it aims at balancing different energy flows within the human body. About half of the nearly 200 Hatha Yoga asanas are popular in the West. The Hatha Yoga postures range from the basic to the complex, from the easy ones to the very challenging. Every movement in Yoga is planned and controlled as a result of that they prove revitalizing for both mind and body. Hatha Yoga exercises are intended to ease tense muscles, to tone up the internal organs, and to improve the body flexibility. The aim of accurate Yoga exercise is to improve flexibility and strength of the body. When practiced in combination with breathing techniques, Hatha yoga postures stimulate circulation, digestion, nervous and endocrine systems of the body.
Karma Yoga lays emphasis on selfless action and service. The underlying message of Karma Yoga is very clear- humans must always work in harmony with the great power that controls and runs the universe. If we follow this we are no longer egotistically motivated. At the same time we no longer maintain obsessive desires in relation to the future. With the eradication of compulsive or obsessive desire, we are able to live in the present and at the same time can plan for the future. This planning about future is independent of boundation to the future. We all know that every logical desire carries within itself the motive force for its fulfillment i.e. while doing different works we tend to think about their results in future. In the process we are subconsciously pushed towards it or attract it to ourselves. The most important aspect of the Yogic philosophy is that it is not against intelligent planning. It lays emphasis only on relinquishing egotistic desires. In this way we are more open to practical aspects of inner guidance. As we work with a cheerful attitude, doing what we are best suited to do, we know a harmony and an inner peace which those who strive and struggle can never know.
Kundalini Yoga system is remarkably different than most of the religious systems of the world. Most of the religious traditions look forward to maintaining celibacy to attain spiritual growth. It is mainly because of this attitude that the thought, sexual involvement is detrimental to a greater development of self, has come into being. On the other hand, Tantra yoga suggests that sexuality can be a very powerful force that should be harnessed for increased self-awareness and consciousness. Thus, Kundalini Yoga is curious, in that it not only allows sexual feelings and contact, but uses sexual experience as a means to enlightenment and knowledge. The Tantra school believes in the notion that if the enormous energy, trapped into sexuality, is released from the lower end of the spine, can flow up the spinal column to bring divine illumination to the brain. According to their belief, Kundalini energy flows in the interior of spine, along an energy channel called shushumna. The Kundalini energy is thought to be the most powerful of all supernatural energies. On the other side of the canal are two additional energy channels, one called "Ida" corresponding to the male, and the other the "Pingala" corresponding to the female. Ida is at the right of the base of the spine and the pingala is at the left side. After achieving mastery of self by relaxing body tension, silencing mental talk, and releasing energy blocks, an individual is ready to join with a partner having the same energy level. Together they form a "whole". To reach this position the partners must achieve a highly developed awareness within their being. In the Tantric lovemaking (maithuna), the partners undergo a diversity of meditations and rituals before making physical contact. It is of utmost importance that throughout the lovemaking process the partners must maintain the spiritual link. It is interesting to know that in the Tantric yoga, the partners do not aim at orgasm. On the other hand they try not to have one. In the process they draw the forces of Kundalini energy upward. It helps in releasing the power of various chakras. The process of "maithuna" is not aimed at the sexual release as an end, but on sex as a conduit through which the evolution of self may continue.
Mantras are words, phrases, or syllables which are chanted attentively and thoughtfully to attain certain goals. In the Mantra Yoga meditation one has to chant a word or a phrase until he/she transcends mind and emotions. In the process the super conscious is discovered and achieved. The rhythm and the meaning of mantras combine to conduct the mind safely back to the point of meditation- the higher consciousness or the specific spiritual focus. Different syllables, phrases and words posses their unique healing potential. Hence they are chanted at a specific time. As a tool to achieve stillness, the mantra is to be discarded at the moment stillness is achieved. Sometimes mantras are also applied to modify circumstances. In the chanting of the mantras it is of immense importance that they are pronounced properly or else all their intended effect would not come. For such purposes it is important that the proper pronunciation is imparted.
An important branch of Yoga, Raja Yoga is a one stop solution for complete and holistic healing. Raja Yoga possesses the positive power of influencing the life of human beings. Raja Yoga synchronizes the physiological system as a whole as well as transforms all spheres (physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, occupational, social and spiritual) of human existence. Raja Yoga therapy is truly a holistic treatment as it heals the principal mechanisms and the control of the whole person. Raja Yoga helps an individual to mitigate emotional and mental conflicts. Raja Yoga also brings lasting peace and satisfaction in one's life. All these virtues make Raja Yoga a way of living. If a person is not healthy from inside he/she can't be called a complete healthy individual. Raja Yoga is of immense importance here as it heals a person from within as well. All systems of human beings get transformed through Raja Yoga practice. Raja Yoga not only transforms the body but also the brain, which completely harmonizes the individual. Being a self initiated technique, Raja Yoga helps healing through activation of health promoting physiological and biochemical processes in the body. It is interesting to note that during the course of the Raja Yoga practice an individual comes into harmony with other human beings and environment. Raja Yoga practice prolongs human existence. Thus, Raja Yoga helps people to fulfill and achieve responsibilities in a balanced way.
Sleep is most important for maintenance of health and longevity for the human beings. It is appropriately called 'Jagaddhatri ' because of its mechanism of overcoming wear and tear of the body due to physical work and mental stress and tissue loss. Numerous researches have shown the adverse effects of lack of sleep on mind and body.
Obesity is technically defined as having a body weight in excess of 10% of the recommended weight for height. In practice though, being obese depends on the accepted cultural standards. People in the West are generally far more sensitive socially, as compared to the orient
Overeating, heavy food, cold food, excessive sleep, sleeping in the day and hormonal imbalances. Ayurveda believes that excess body weight is due to a weak digestive fire or the ‘agni’
The main thrust is to improve the digestive fire with the use of appropriate herbs combined with the correct lifestyle.
Fasting is considered beneficial but care must be taken to avoid fruit juices during the fast. Vegetable juices and herbal teas should instead be taken.
Mild laxatives like Triphala (3-5 gm at bed time) or Aloe gel can be used.1 gm. of Guggul with ginger and honey taken three times a day is good.½ gm of Shilajeet with ginger and honey can also be taken three times a day.
Trikatu powder which is made with black pepper, long pepper and dry ginger is also very good for improving the digestive fire.Hot spices like cayenne, black pepper, ginger and garlic should be used in cooking.
Avoid fried and heavy foods.
Try to eat warm and freshly cooked meals.
Avoid sleeping in the day.
Common cold, true to its name continues to be one of the most common afflictions. According to Ayurveda it indicates the first stage in the breakdown of our bodily defenses.
Colds and flues are generally Kapha (phlegm) diseases. Exposure to cold air, seasonal changes are Kapha increasing factors. Exposure to hot and cold conditions alternatively in a short period is also responsible, as for example having cold water or drink immediately after coming in from the sun.
Arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Despite lot of research and effort, an effective cure has still eluded us. All that can be offered are the anti inflammatory and pain killers like Aspirin. According to Ayurveda arthritis is primarily a vata (air) disease which is due to accumulation of toxins in the joints and is known as amavata
The main symptom of this disease is severe pain in the affected joints. The tissues in and around the joints become inflamed and movement of the joint becomes extremely painful. Untreated arthritis may lead to permanent deformity of the affected joints.
Causes include internal and external factors. It is more common in cold, damp and windy climates. Internally it is a condition which is related to low Agni (poor digestive fire) and poor digestion which leads to the accumulation of toxins (ama). The toxins (ama) produced in the colon are taken up by various parts of the body and depending on the site of deposition, it causes many diseases in the body. For example, if it deposits in the lungs, it causes cough and asthma, in the intestines it causes dysentery. When it deposits in the joints and at the same time there is aggravation of vata, that means if biological humor air is also disturbed, it results in a disease called amavata or arthritis.
Constipation is a very common problem these a days. Our lives of constant rush, late nights and fat food habits have turned constipation into a problem of epidemic proportions. If a person does not pass stool at least once in 24 hours, he is considered to be constipated according to Ayurveda
Accumulation of toxins in the colon as evidenced by a coated tongue is considered to be the main pathology. The cause of constipation on a pyhsical level is dietary - eating food which is difficult to digest. Our lifestyle also is an important factor – sleeping late, rushing off to work in the morning without giving proper time for evacuation, excessive stimulation like watching lot of television etc. all lead to constipation
Dietary issues should be looked at in the first place. The aim should be to have oily and bulky foods like, dairy products, whole grains, bran, raw fruits and vegetables. Fruit juices like prune and grape can be taken. Olive and sesame oil should be used
Normal skin has a fine even texture with a supple and smooth surface. It has a proper balance between oil and moisture contents and is therefore moist and is neither greasy nor dry. The pores of normal skin are small and the overall skin tone is even. It looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes. The pores of the skin are fine and barely visible. It reflects good health and needs gentle treatment
Dry skin has a dry parched appearance and has a tendency to flake easily. It is prone to wrinkles and lines. This is due to the inability to retain moisture as well as the insufficient production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Dry skin often has problems in cold weather and ages faster than normal or oily skin. Constant protection is very important. It needs a moisturiser during the day and a good cream at night.
As its name implies, oily skin is slightly to moderately greasy. This type of skin is caused by the over secretion of sebum making the skin surface oily. The excess oil on the surface of the skin attracts dirt and dust from the environment. Oily skin is also prone to black heads, white heads, spots, pimples and such skin will never be clear. This type of skin needs to be cleansed thoroughly.
This type of skin is very common. As the name suggests, it is a combination of both oily and dry skin with certain areas of the face oily and the rest dry. Usually there is a central greasy panel consisting of the forehead, nose and chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks and the areas around the eyes and mouth. The greasy central panel is referred to as T - Zone. In such cases, each part of the face should be treated accordingly - the dry areas as for dry skin and the central panel as for oily skin and use skin care products made especially for combination skin
This type of skin has a fine texture and is very sensitive to changes in the climate. This skin type show the disadvantages of bleaching, waxing, threading, perfumes temperature extremes, soap etc and for men sun, perfumes, shaving cream etc. People with this skin type should avoid products with dyes, perfumes, or unnecessary chemical ingredients that may irritate the skin.
Cleansing is the first essential step in your daily skin care routine.
Cleansing the face 2-3 times a day; is adequate for normal skin. If your skin is oily a more frequent cleansing i.e. 4-5 times a day is necessary. If your skin is dry it is best to avoid frequent washing and you may have to use a suitable oil-based cosmetic cleanser instead of soap, which has a dry effect.
The skin care products include cosmetics like skin fresheners, toners and astringents which basically contains alcohol and water. These products are used after cleansing the skin to freshen and tone up the skin, they also restore the acid/ alkali balance of the skin. Having cleansed, wipe away any last traces of dirt or oil with a skin freshener or toner (cleansing milk) which suits your skin type. Non alcoholic freshener are for dry and sensitive skin. Those with alcohol (astringent) are for oily skin. People with combination skin should use toner and astringent
The sun, is the environmental factor that is most harmful to the health and appearance of the skin. Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight can cause permanent damage to the skin. It can cause the skin to sag, lose elasticity and form wrinkles. Severe sunburn can even cause skin cancer.
Sunscreen and foundation protects the skin against the damaging ultraviolet rays. It also shields your face from direct contact with dirt or pollutants in the air and helps the skin against loosing its necessary moisture.
Sunscreen's come in lotions and creams. A sunscreen with the sun protection factor (SPF) of number 15 can block most of the sun's ultraviolet radiations before it can damage the skin. The SPF number indicates the length of time, the product will protect the skin. Sunscreen's should be applied at least 10 minutes before you go out in the sun.
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