Friday, March 9, 2007





You need to visualize the specific changes if you truly want to change your look. What will any improvements you make look like? See yourself with a streamlined body, healthier hair, clearer skin, majestic posture. These changes are realistic and attainable. Stay away from goals you'll never reach. Don't compare yourself with someone you've seen on the TV or movie screen or on the cover of a magazine. Accept your uniqueness and capitalize on it.

Mirrors Boost Attitude

The quickest attitude adjustment is through reflection. Women who have low self esteem often avoid mirrors like the plague. However, mirrors can become a big ally. Mirrors can tell you how you're progressing, in those little ways that may not be noticeable to the casual eye. It is the ultimate objective eye.

Look Pretty Amazing

Don't worry about looking pretty. Look pretty amazing show the world you care about yourself. Real beauty celebrates individuality. Rather than running around looking for beauty in pricey external products, discover within yourself. Make the most of what you have. You'll learn to like yourself and that will spark a light within

Find Supportive Friends

What people say, whether intentional or not, make us feel good or bad about ourselves. Look for people who make you feel good when you're down. This person will give you compliment. If you've done something different or if you're wearing something new, they will notice it. Keep this compliments and they will build your self esteem


Knowing your skin type is the chief way you can ensure your skin feels and looks its best. Many people, however, get confused when trying to figure out exactly what their skin type is. Skin can be divided into various types according to its texture. It is essential to know what skin type you actually have and using the correct products on your face can really make a difference to those problem areas you may have.

There are five basic skin types. They are

  1. Normal skin

  2. Dry skin

  3. Oily skin

  4. Combination skin

  5. Sensitive skin


Normal skin has a fine even texture with a supple and smooth surface. It has a proper balance between oil and moisture contents and is therefore moist and is neither greasy nor dry. The pores of normal skin are small and the overall skin tone is even. It looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes. The pores of the skin are fine and barely visible. It reflects good health and needs gentle treatment


Dry skin has a dry parched appearance and has a tendency to flake easily. It is prone to wrinkles and lines. This is due to the inability to retain moisture as well as the insufficient production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Dry skin often has problems in cold weather and ages faster than normal or oily skin. Constant protection is very important. It needs a moisturiser during the day and a good cream at night.


As its name implies, oily skin is slightly to moderately greasy. This type of skin is caused by the over secretion of sebum making the skin surface oily. The excess oil on the surface of the skin attracts dirt and dust from the environment. Oily skin is also prone to black heads, white heads, spots, pimples and such skin will never be clear. This type of skin needs to be cleansed thoroughly.


This type of skin is very common. As the name suggests, it is a combination of both oily and dry skin with certain areas of the face oily and the rest dry. Usually there is a central greasy panel consisting of the forehead, nose and chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks and the areas around the eyes and mouth. The greasy central panel is referred to as T - Zone. In such cases, each part of the face should be treated accordingly - the dry areas as for dry skin and the central panel as for oily skin and use skin care products made especially for combination skin


This type of skin has a fine texture and is very sensitive to changes in the climate. This skin type show the disadvantages of bleaching, waxing, threading, perfumes temperature extremes, soap etc and for men sun, perfumes, shaving cream etc. People with this skin type should avoid products with dyes, perfumes, or unnecessary chemical ingredients that may irritate the skin.



Cleansing is the first essential step in your daily skin care routine.
Cleansing the face 2-3 times a day; is adequate for normal skin. If your skin is oily a more frequent cleansing i.e. 4-5 times a day is necessary. If your skin is dry it is best to avoid frequent washing and you may have to use a suitable oil-based cosmetic cleanser instead of soap, which has a dry effect.


The skin care products include cosmetics like skin fresheners, toners and astringents which basically contains alcohol and water. These products are used after cleansing the skin to freshen and tone up the skin, they also restore the acid/ alkali balance of the skin. Having cleansed, wipe away any last traces of dirt or oil with a skin freshener or toner (cleansing milk) which suits your skin type. Non alcoholic freshener are for dry and sensitive skin. Those with alcohol (astringent) are for oily skin. People with combination skin should use toner and astringent


The sun, is the environmental factor that is most harmful to the health and appearance of the skin. Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight can cause permanent damage to the skin. It can cause the skin to sag, lose elasticity and form wrinkles. Severe sunburn can even cause skin cancer.
Sunscreen and foundation protects the skin against the damaging ultraviolet rays. It also shields your face from direct contact with dirt or pollutants in the air and helps the skin against loosing its necessary moisture.
Sunscreen's come in lotions and creams. A sunscreen with the sun protection factor (SPF) of number 15 can block most of the sun's ultraviolet radiations before it can damage the skin. The SPF number indicates the length of time, the product will protect the skin. Sunscreen's should be applied at least 10 minutes before you go out in the sun.


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